Off Campus Housing Near UC
Are you planning to attend the University of Cincinnati during the 2023–2024 academic school year, and do you need to secure off-campus housing near the University of Cincinnati?
If so, we recommend that you contact Gaslight Property now, as we’re already in the process of renting apartments for the upcoming school year. We rent everything from studio apartments to six-bedroom houses near UC, and it would be a good idea for you to act now so that you can ensure that you find an apartment that fits your needs, including but not limited to proximity to campus.
We have units all over Clifton’s Gaslight District, Corryville, Clifton Heights, and other neighborhoods in that area. Some of our apartments are within walking distance of campus, and UC’s shuttle service makes the campus a remarkably accessible campus. The shuttle is free, it operates day and night, and it makes transportation to and from campus a very simple matter
To begin to get some idea of the range of options for off-campus housing near the University of Cincinnati, click the link below and voila!, you’ll see apartments located on all sides of campus.
On our website, you can specify the size of your apartment, as Gaslight Property rents everything from studio apartments to six-bedroom houses.
Gaslight Property is a family-owned rental company with deep roots in the Clifton community and an office in the Gaslight District. One of the things you’ll love in this area surrounding the campus is the convenience, with lots of stores, including restaurants and grocery stores, and many tenants find that some of their favorite places to go are within close walking distance of their apartment.
To talk to a leasing specialist today, call 513.861.6000. Before you know it, you’ll be talking to someone who focuses on off-campus housing near the University of Cincinnati.